How The IMF, World Bank, and their Structural Adjustment Program (SAP) Destroyed African economies
Herbert Jauch , Labour Resource and Research Institute, Namibia
Structural adjustment programmes (SAPs) have been implemented in many
‘developing’ countries since the 1980s. They were designed by the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the
World Bank and imposed as a condition for
further loans. Below is a brief background of the events that led
many countries to accept SAPs. It describes how SAPs are being
implemented and what results they have produced over the past 20 years.
This article also gives a short analysis of the roles of the World Bank,
the IMF and the local political elites in this process.
Structural Adjustment and the Debt Crisis
SAPs were born as a result of a debt crisis that has hit especially developing countries since the 1980s.
This debt crisis has its origin in the early 1970s when
oil-producing countries that had united in the Organisation of Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC) increased the oil price to gain additional
revenue. Most of these profits were invested with banks in
industrialised countries. These banks, in turn, were interested to lend
this money to developing countries to finance the purchase of products
from the industrialised countries. In this way, the loans given to
‘developing’ countries helped to stimulate production in the North (see
Toussaint and Comanne 1995: 15). At that time. both private and public
institutions encouraged the South to borrow. Even the World Bank
‘preached the doctrine of debt as the path towards accelerated
development’. As a result, huge amounts were borrowed by the political
elites, often wasted on luxuries, ‘white elephant’ projects or stolen by
corrupt officials (Usually stooges, selected by the exiting colonial
powers to lead these failed African states). Very little was invested
productively with a view of achieving sustainable economic growth (see
George 1995: 21).
Related: NewsRescue 01/01/2012- IMF Forces African Nations to Remove Fuel Subsidies
During the 1970s loans were given freely at very low interest rates
but this situation changed dramatically in the early 1980s. The USA
pushed up interest rates drastically in an attempt to stop inflation.
countries that had taken out loans with US banks now had to pay huge
interests. The major lending banks in Europe followed suit and the debt
crisis was born (see George 1995: 21). ‘Developing’ countries were
unable to repay their loans and were forced to take up new loans to pay
the interest.
In 1980 the total debt of developing countries stood at US$
567 billion. Between 1980 and 1992 these countries paid back US$ 1662
billion. However, because of the high interest rates, the debt increased
to US$ 1419 billion in 1992 – despite the repayments! The rising
interest rates forced developing countries to take out new loans to
avoid bankruptcy.
Debt repayments drain about US$ 160 billion each
year from ‘developing’ countries. This is about 2.5 times the total
development aid that these countries receive!
Since the 1980s, debt repayments are a major mechanism of
transferring wealth from the South to the North. The former French
President Francois Mitterand admitted this when he said in 1994:
‘Despite the considerable sums spent on bilateral and multilateral
aid, the flow of capital from Africa toward the industrial countries is
greater than the flow of capital from the industrial countries to the
developing countries’ (see Touissaint and Comanne 1995: 10-12).
Despite the fact that ‘developing’ countries have
long paid back their initial loans, they are still highly indebted and
are dependent on new loans. This paved the way for the IMF and World
Bank to come ‘to the rescue’. They were given the task to make sure that
‘developing’ countries will continue paying their debt by offering new
loans – to countries who accept certain conditions: structural
Related: NewsRescue- Summary of Nigeria IMF-SAP debt progression
The role of the IMF and World Bank
Initially the idea behind the World Bank and IMF, also called the
Bretton Woods institutions, was widely supported. The Bank was given the
task to rebuild first Europe and then other countries after the Second
World War. The IMF was supposed to facilitate trade and to make
short-term loans available to countries with temporary balance of
payment problems (see George 1995: 19).
Today the IMF and the World Bank are much more powerful than its
founders could have imagined. Both have over 170 member countries whose
power is determined by the amount they pay in subscriptions. This system
of ‘one dollar – one vote’ has meant that the rich industrialised
countries control these institutions today (see the description of the
IMF and World Bank attached). The IMF and World Bank are far from
democratic and their policies are shaped by their principal shareholders
– the powerful industrialised countries.
The IMF and World Bank today have a strong influence over economic
policies in many countries. The inability of many countries to repay
their debt has made them dependent on new loans.
The IMF has the
power to declare countries credit worthy – or not. To get the seal of
approval countries have to accept the conditions of structural
adjustment programmes. They have to restructure their economies
according to IMF/World Bank guidelines – otherwise they will have
virtually no chance to get loans from private or public creditors
anywhere (see George 1995:19-21).
Herbert Jauch; LARRI, Namibia
The Implementation of Structural Adjustment Programmes
SAPs are built on the fundamental condition that
debtor countries have to repay their debt in hard currency. This leads
to a policy of ‘exports at all costs’ because exports are the only way
for ‘developing’ countries to obtain such currencies.
A first feature of SAPs is therefore a switch in
production from what local people eat, wear or use towards goods that
can be sold in the industrialised countries. Since the 1980s dozens of
countries have followed these policies simultaneously. They often
exported the same primary commodities, competed with each other and then
suffered because of declining world market prices for their
commodities. Between 1980 and 1992, ‘developing’ countries lost 52% of
their export income due to deteriorating prices (see Touissant and
Comanne 1995: 12; George 1995:22; Bournay 1995: 51).
SAPs have 4 fundamental objectives according to which they are shaped:
- Liberalisation: promoting the free movement of capital; opening of national markets to international competition.
- Privatisation of public services and companies.
- De-regulations of labour relations and cutting social safety nets.
- Improving competitiveness (see Toissant and Comanne 1995:14)
Based on these objectives, SAPs prescribe nearly always the same measures as a condition for new loans. These are:
- reduction of government deficit through cuts in public spending (cost recovery programmes);
- higher interest rates
- liberalisation of foreign exchange rules and trade (deregulation);
- rationalisation and privatisation of public and parastatal companies;
- deregulation of the economy, for example:
- liberalisation of foreign investment regulations
- deregulation of the labour market, e.g. wage ‘flexibility’
- abolishing price controls and food subsidies
- shift from import substitution to export production (see Isaacs 1997: 135)
Poverty in Africa {Img:}
These measures forced
countries on a path of deregulated free market economies. The IMF/World
bank basically determine countries’ macro-economic policies, they take
control over central bank policies and over public expenditure through
the so-called ‘Public Expenditure Review’. SAPs promote the principal of
cost-recovery for social services and the gradual withdrawal of the
state from basic health and educational services. Under its ‘Public
Investment Programme’ the IMF even decides what type of infrastructure
should be built while an imposed system of international tender ensures
that public-works projects are carried out by international construction
and engineering firms (see Chossudovsky 1995: 59).
Although several countries were skeptical about such
neo-liberal policies (designed along the ideas of the Reagan and
Thatcher administrations) they were forced to abandon socialist or even
social democratic ideas. In this way, the debt crisis has provided the
IMF and World Bank with a very effective instrument of disciplining
rebellious countries. Debtor countries are kept in a ‘strait-jacket’
which prevents them from implementing their own economic policies (SEE
George 1995:21; Chossudovsky 1995:57).
The Results of Structural Adjustment Programmes
Despite the IMF and World Bank claims of SAP successes, it is widely
acknowledged that SAPs have failed to achieve their goals. They have not
created wealth and economic development as unregulated markets did not
benefit the poor and failed to protect the delivery of social services.
The IMF/World Bank believe that the elimination of protective tariffs
will make domestic industries more competitive. In reality, domestic
manufacturing often collapsed and imported consumer goods replaced
domestic production. Other results of SAPs were:
- Privatisation allows international capital to buy state enterprises at very low costs.
- Tax reforms under SAPs (like VAT) place a greater tax burden on
middle and low-income groups while foreign capital receives generous tax
- Deregulation of the banking system leads to very high interest rates which makes most goods unaffordable to the majority.
- Elimination of subsidies and prize controls, covered with
devaluation lead to price increases and reduce real earnings in the
formal and informal sectors.
- Free movement of foreign exchange allows foreign companies to
repatriate their profits. It also allows the ‘laundering’ of ‘dirty
money’ from offshore banking accounts.
- Cost-recovery programmes in the health sector increased the
inequality in health care delivery, reduced health coverage and
increased the number of people without access to health care. Diseases
like cholera, malaria and yellow fever are on the increase again.
- Various NGOs funded by international aid agencies have gradually taken over government functions in the social sector.
- Cuts in public sector employment (for example 300 000 civil servants
were retrenched in Zaire – now DRC – in 1995), coupled with
bankruptcies of local companies has led to large increases in
- Liberalisation of the labour market leads to the elimination of cost
of living adjustment clauses in collective agreements and to the
phasing out of minimum wage legislation.
- Export orientation in agriculture is eliminating subsistence crops
and accelerates the exodus of the unemployed towards the cities. (See
Touissant and Comanne 1995: 9; Chossudovsky 1995:58-64)
Even in those countries that are singled out as success stories, SAPs imposed severe hardships on the poor. In
for example, the government obediently followed the World Bank/IMF
policies and implemented far-reaching liberalisation such as:
- Privatisation of government institutions
- Reducing the size of the civil service and the army
- Liberalisation of foreign exchange
- Decentralisation of services to local authorities
- Cuts in government spending on social services
Despite some (statistical) economic growth, these policies resulted in:
- Drop in formal sector employment to less than 14% of the economically active population
- Retrenchment of more than half the civil service (170 000)
- Lack of equipment and medication in government health facilities
- Collapse of small enterprises
- Declining co-operative movement
- Trade Unions lost 60% of their members since 1990
SAPs had a detrimental effect on social services. In the
education sector, for example, they led to:
- Increasing class size (student-teacher ratios)
- Increasing school fees as part of cost-recovery programmes
- Reduction in the number of teachers and/or wage freezes
- Introduction of ‘double shifts’
- Drop in the standard of public education due to deteriorating facilities
- Increase in private schools for the wealthy
- Increasing inequalities in the standard of education between poor and rich communities
- Lower enrolment at schools as the poor have to choose between
feeding their children and paying for school uniforms, stationery and
school fees.
- Finance-driven education reforms under SAPs often reversed the gains made by African countries after independence.
SAPs meant that most countries had to make major cuts in their
education budgets and the world-wide rate of illiteracy began to grow
again after a long period of decline (see Bournay 1995: 51). The poor
and vulnerable groups in society are always the hardest hit by the SAP
measures. SAPs have had a particularly negative effect on
women because:
- Privatisation of social services like health and education makes
these services unaffordable for the poor. As a result, women are often
forced to take on these responsibilities, for example tacking care of
the sick.
- Cuts in education services lead to an increase in illiteracy among
women and girls. Under SAPs, the drop-out rate for girls is increasing.
- Reduced spending on health leads to an increase in maternal deaths.
- The elimination of food subsidies coupled with falling (real) wages reduces women’s buying power.
- Unemployment is increasing as a result of public sector ‘restructuring’
- ‘Labour flexibility’ may result in more jobs for women at the
expense of men. These jobs, however, are usually poorly paid and
- The reduction of formal sector jobs drives women into the informal sector.
- In Zambia, the hardships caused by SAPs led to an increase in
divorces. Men left their homes because they were unable to look after
their families. As a result, more women were forced to look after their
children on their own.

SAPs in Southern Africa
The results of SAPs in Southern Africa were similar
to those of the programmes elsewhere. The effects of these policies are
visible in all countries of Southern Africa, although the manifestations
are different. In Angola, the war sponsored by the CIA
and South Africa during the 1970s and 1980s has devastated the country.
Virtually the entire industrial production base was destroyed and
Angolans have to fight a daily battle for survival. In the late 1980s
the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) enforced SAPs
resulting in what was described as “wild capitalism” (Brittain: 3-7).
These policies have done nothing but exacerbate the already devastated
economic and social structures of Angola.
In Zimbabwe and Zambia,
SAPs placed severe hardships on the population while failing to lead to
the promised economic recovery and reduced unemployment. ESAP, the
abbreviation for ‘Economic Structural Adjustment Programmes’ is now seen
as the abbreviation for ‘Ever Suffering African People’, as these
programmes resulted in popular protests and food riots after subsidies
for basic food items were withdrawn. The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade
Unions (ZCTU) has pointed out that ESAPs worsened poverty and that
export orientation further disadvantages small-scale communal farmers
who still have no adequate access to suitable land (Goncalves: 6)
After 5 years of SAPs, Zimbabwe’s
external debts had increased dramatically due to heavy SAP-related
borrowing. It now stands at more than 100% of the GDP and the domestic
debt is even higher. Due to currency devaluations the real foreign
exchange value of exports in Zimbabwe declined by 2,7% a year while it
had grown by 9% before SAPs were introduced. Economic growth was slow
and 60 000 workers were retrenched (Saunders: 9; Goncalves:70).
In 1995 the IMF suspended the lending programme and
called for even bigger sacrifices to be imposed on the population. SAPs
forced the government to concentrate on budget deficits at the expense
of creating employment and improving social services. Unemployment
stands at 50% in some sectors and only 16 000 jobs are created per year
for 220 000 school leavers. Since the early 1990s 130 companies were
liquidated and a process of de-industrialisation is underway in a
country that once had a relatively self-contained and integrated economy
(Saunders: 8-11).
Zambia took the most dramatic steps
to fully implement ESAPs and has seen whole industries disappear as
protective measures were dropped. External debts are strangulating the
country and between 1990 and 1993 the Zambian government spent 35 times
more on debt repayment than on primary school education! (Goncalves: 7)
Mozambique is often regarded as one
of the poorest countries in the world with foreign assistance accounting
for two-thirds of its GDP. After 20 years of South African sponsored
war, the state has virtually been destroyed and is presently trying to
establish some kind of political stability.
During the 1980s the Mozambiquen leadership tried to
find a way of protecting social achievements when dealing with external
financial institutions like the IMF and World Bank. This did not last
long and a process of ‘recolonisation’ unfolded. Privatisation hit every
sphere of the country’s social and economic life: banking, cotton
industry, agriculture, health and education.
Today Mozambique is dominated ” not by the agents of a
colonial power, but by the technically sophisticated and politically
disinterested economists of the IMF , the World Bank and of bilateral
aid agencies whose prescriptions are determined by economic analysis”
They portray Mozambique’s subordination as a natural
consequence of global economic trends. A Mozambiquen MP admitted that
“our budget is really set by donors at the annual Paris conference”
(Saul: 12-17). Privatisation which was meant to improve efficiency and
reduce budget deficits often results in massive retrenchments. According
to Mozambique’s trade union federation OTM, of the 502 companies which
were privatised since 1989 only 25% are still operational and 37 000
workers have been retrenched (Goncalves: 6).
Under pressure form international donors, the Malawi
government removed fertiliser subsidies in 1995. As a result,
small-scale farmers could no longer afford fertilisers or were forced to
sell their food stocks. This poses a serious threat for the country’s
food self-sufficiency.
Although Namibia and South
Africa are not heavily indebted and were not forced to implement SAPs,
there are indications that these countries are following similar
policies. After decades of sanctions and partial isolation, South
Africa is re-integrating into the global economy. This is changing its
domestic economy which had been characterised by protective tariffs and
import substitution. It now has to face global competition. As a
signatory to the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) and
member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), South Africa has started
to dismantle tariff barriers. The government sees this as a necessary
step to make domestic industries internationally competitive. The
macro-economic plan known as “Growth, Employment and Redistribution”
(GEAR) shows many similarities with the structural adjustment policies
of other countries.
So far, the harshest effects of trade liberalisation
are experienced by workers in South Africa’s clothing and textiles
industry. 80% of workers in the clothing sector and 50% of those in the
textile sector are women. Between 1991 and 1997, 50 000 out of a total
of 200 000 workers have lost their jobs. South African companies were
unable to produce goods as cheaply or at the same quality as competitors
from South-East Asia and had to close down. The industry proposed a
more “flexible” labour force (i.e. wage cuts) to tackle the crisis, and
some companies have initiated plant-level restructuring accompanied by
retrenchments, casualisation and decentralisation of production
(Macquene). Another prominent feature in South Africa is the
privatisation of state assets similar to what has happened in other
African countries as part of SAPs. Despite opposition from the labour
movement, the South African government seems to follow the demands of
national and international capital to speed up the process of
Namibia, the government is still spending a large
portion of the national budget on social services like education and
health, but there are signs that cuts are imminent. The Ministry of
Education, for example, has already cut down on expenditure for school
hostels by reducing and sometimes even abolishing the subsidies. Several
hostels were privatised and the Ministry now wants to implement a
programme known as “staffing norms’. This programme aims to achieve a
uniform teacher-student ratio across the country and claims to achieve
the following: financial sustainability; enhanced educational quality;
and equity among regions and schools. The Ministry targets teacher
learner ratios of 1:40 for primary schools and 1:36 for secondary
schools by the year 2002 (NANTU 1997:13).
Other signs of structural adjustment policies are the government’s
commitment to sweeping privatisation which is justified as a means of
making state-run and state-owned companies more efficient.
‘Commercialisation’ is mentioned almost daily in the media and has
become the ‘religion’ of economic policy. The Namibian government is
also determined to reduce the size of the civil service and believes
that economic development can only be achieved through foreign
investments and export-led growth. These are definite signs that
structural adjustment has arrived.
SAPs and Globalisation
Cheated! SAP destroyed Africa’s Hopes
Overall, SAPs have reversed some of the gains made by ‘developing’
countries in their attempt to find an autonomous development process
that would suit local conditions. The rolled back some of the
achievements made by African states in the post-colonial era (see
Goncalves: 6-8). Countries like India, Mexico, Algeria and Brazil are
now returning to their former dependency on and subordination to the
industrialised world (see Toussaint and Comanne 1995: 17). Chipeta
points out that this is no accident as ESAPs were not designed to
promote genuine economic development. “Each policy is designed to fail
so that the implementing country can enter into another programme”. In
other words, an implementing country becomes permanently locked into
ESAPs which are designed by the industrialised blocks to shape
developing countries according to their needs (Chipeta: 11).
SAPs as a part of the broader process of globalisation have increased
the manoeuvring space for Transnational Corporations to an
unprecedented level. They could utilise the opportunities created
through privatisation and the general economic liberalisation. However,
it is important to point out that the political and economic elite of
‘developing’ countries has also played a crucial role in the adjustment
process. These elites often used the initial loans for their own
benefits. They continued a life in luxury while telling their people to
tighten their belts. Even under structural adjustment they were hardly
the ones who suffered and sometimes even benefited from SAPs. When
public services deteriorate or disappear they can afford private schools
and hospitals. They often benefited from privatisation by obtaining
functioning enterprises at give-away prices and they benefit from low
labour costs as a result of labour flexibility. Susan George has
accurately summed up the results of SAPs and globalisation when she
wrote about the global apartheid economy:
‘The Bretton Woods twins have become the managers of a global
apartheid economy in which the transnational elite from both “North” and
“South” plays the role of the “whites”; a shrinking and anxious middle
class the role of the “coloureds”; and finally, at the bottom, the vast
sea of wretchedness made up of “blacks”, whatever their literal skin
colour’ (1995:23).
The failure of SAPs have often led to violent protests that were
often repressed with great brutality. The IMF/WB have ignored all
critics for years and even today continue to argue that the situation
would have been worse without SAPs. In recent years, they tried to
respond to public criticism by moving towards adjustment ‘with a human
face’. They are now prepared to look at a very basic safety net and have
allowed some countries (e.g. Egypt) to maintain some subsidies on
essential food products. However, the basic philosophy and the believe
in the unregulated free market have remained unchanged (see Bournay
1995: 52).
Although the relative share of the ‘developing’ countries’ debt in
the world’s debt has declined, the people of those countries still have
to suffer under structural adjustment programmes. They still have to pay
a heavy price to ensure that the debt is paid. The same is now
happening in the former countries of the Soviet bloc that are also
forced to undergo structural adjustment. Debt is even becoming an issue
in the rich industrialised countries as people there are now also
experiencing austerity measures that are similar to structural
adjustment. Industrial countries justify cuts in social spending as
necessary to reduce the public debt. Toussaint and Commanne pointed out
that: ‘While austerity measures imposed in the North do not have tragic
consequences equal to those in the South and East, the results are
nonetheless destructive’ (1995:18).
The World Bank and the IMF have repeatedly come under sharp criticism
over the failure of their SAPs. Under mounting pressure, Social
Dimension Funds (SDFs) were introduced in recent years to cushion the
blows and hardships of ESAPs. However, they have been ineffective and
insufficient to offset the damages caused. ‘Adjustment with a human
face’ did not address the fundamental flaws of SAPs but the Bank and the
Fund still believe that the solution to the world’s problem lies in
continued liberalisation of economies. They still believe that SAPs
short term pain will lead to long term gain. Rhetorical commitment to
‘poverty alleviation’ did not change the SAP principle of systematically
withdrawing the state from delivering social services. According to the
IMF and World Bank, these services are meant to be cost effectively
managed by ‘civil society’(see Chossudovsky 1995: 64). During a seminar
in Namibia in 1998, IMF officials confirmed that:
‘Structural Adjustment programmes have become the main vehicle for the IMF’s support in Africa.’ Reinhold van Til, IMF
Under structural adjustment, Ghana and Uganda ‘experienced a
sharp improvement in competitiveness, trade, investment, and economic
‘The ‘right’ economic policies will automatically lead to
economic growth and prosperity. Investors will reward countries with
good economic policies and punish those with bad ones.’
‘Liberalisation of the trade system is a key element of reform if
Africa is to take advantage of increasingly global patterns of
production and trade….this must be accompanied by a liberalisation of
exchange rates.’ Robert Sharer, IMF
Government intervention must be limited to ‘areas of market
failure and to the provision of the necessary social and economic
infrastructure’ Alassane D. Quattare, IMF
In theory, SAPS are meant to assist countries to return
to economic recovery. In practice the opposite has happened. SAPs have
destroyed any chance to achieve sustainable economic development that
would meet national priorities. Chossudovsky pointed out that the
‘…IMF-World bank reform package constitutes a coherent programme for
economic and social collapse…They destroy the entire fabric of the
domestic economy’ (1995: 66).
Whenever SAPs fail, the IMF and World Bank blame the host government
which they accuse of incompetence or insufficient motivation. ‘IMF
riots’ have happened in more than 30 countries, sometimes in the form of
violent protests against the hardships caused by SAPs. The host
country’s governments were always left to deal with the uprisings that
were often brutally suppressed. However, initial protests against SAPs
were hardly followed by a systematic initiative to build the political
capacity to replace SAPs with a different development strategy. Even the
political leaders of ‘developing’ countries have become quiet on the
debt issue and are no longer campaigning for the cancellation of the
debt. In most cases they have become a corrupt elite that is no longer
interested in establishing a new and more just world order. It will
therefore be left to those organisations that represent the increasingly
impoverished majority to actively campaign against structural
adjustment policies and to develop alternative policies that will be
able to solve our problems.
It must also be mentioned that the wars and conflicts in Africa only
started after the seventies, and after the impacts of the enforced
adjustments discussed above.
As they say in Nigeria-
‘Monkey dey work, Baboon dey chop’.
Article source
Herbert Jauch has been with the labour movement in Southern Africa for over 20 years. He served as executive member of the Namibia National Teachers Union (NANTU) as well as on various committees of the National Union of Namibian Workers (NUNW). For the past 15 years Herbert worked as labour researcher, carrying out research projects for the Southern African Trade Union Co-ordination Council (SATUCC) as well as Namibian and South African trade unions. Herbert was instrumental in developing a labour diploma course for Namibian trade unions and served as director of the Labour Resource and Research Institute (LARRI) in Katutura from 1998 until 2007. He was LaRRI’s
senior researcher until January 2010 and now works as freelance labour
researcher and educator with various organisations in Southern Africa.
Published, May 19th, 2009
Africason is a die-hard believer in Africa.
Twitter: @african_school
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